Sunday 22 April 2012

This brings back memories

I Found these little key rings when having a bit of a tidy-up, they're made using lots of plastic (beads, leaves, sequins) and wire. They have to be at least 5 years old, created in a phase of experimentation and I consider them to be a kind of prototype ( made cheaply to try out shapes and combinations) as I originally intended to make more in higher quality materials once I felt comfortable with a design. Now they're more  of a nostalgia than anything else but I figured I'd show them anyway.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Latch hook cuffs

I'm experimenting at the moment using a latchhook, wool and a rubbery non-slip material I found in my stocks of stuff ( its an alternative to traditional latchhook canvas and works surprisingly well). Hopefully when I've finished I'll have a fluffy cuff/bangle/bracelet, if successful I'll make more in various colours and potentially patterns... ( this first one really reminds me of the cookie monster)  

Monday 16 April 2012

And Back to work...

Its been a bit of a rough couple weeks for me, so my creative production level dropped to bare minimum - a bit of spinning and one brief foray into watercolour were about the best it got.

Happily, the art engines are now ticking over once more (or at least revving) ,  so last night I got some of my older paintings up onto the hallway wall which means they're both stored and displayed rather than stacked on various surfaces, pushed from pillar to post and inevitably damaged.  Since it's the upstairs hallway the ceiling is nice and high allowing plenty of room for lots more paintings in the future: I intend the hallway to function as a working progress storage/gallery so not all the space will be used all the time and the paintings can be from different series or maybe even unfinished.  This is helped/hindered (depending on perspective) by my tendency to hang paintings close together (much like old estate houses with collections of dark oil paintings).

Strangely, ever since hanging these last night I've felt like painting, something I have't had the inclination to do since February (when I restarted the produce patterns canvas - enthusiasm for which is somewhat tidal = it comes and goes), I've been so absorbed in the school work and a major textile vibe that painting got sidelined a fair bit - hopefully not for much longer...   

Monday 2 April 2012

Flat packed Teddy Bears

I've had these little bear patterns cut out for a couple weeks, I'll probably get around to cutting some more soon ( part of my plans to finally use some of the denim I've had stored for ages), hopefully I'll get round to making them even sooner - they're just like a flat pack: I have the fabric cut out, teddy bear eyes, stuffing, thread and other such equipment all ready to go... I just have to start sewing them, it's one of those 'never enough hours in the day' situations.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Extract of Pasta 2

A few more pasta drawings, this will be the last installment of pasta drawings as the students are now moving on to the rest of the designing process/ learning appropriate textile techniques ( I might post my versions of such activities or my finished cushion - if I make one - at a later date)